Want to volunteer for EvilleCon?
You think you have what it takes to be a minion? All you have to do is trade 5 hours of your time for a one-day badge! Sounds pretty simple, huh? We think so too!
You are encouraged to do this all three days for the greatest of benefits.
What am I expected to do you ask?
Before Con:
- Keep Volunteer Coordinator informed of any changes in email address and/or phone number
- View all minion training material
- Contact Volunteer Coordinator if withdrawing from volunteers, preferably with an explanation
At Con:
- Check attendees for proper badges
- Moderate heavy lifting duties, unless medically unable
- Prep rooms for events/panels
- General hall monitoring
- Contact Volunteer Coordinator if unable to perform scheduled duties as soon as possible
- Be prompt in arriving at each duty
- Be respectful to our guests and attendees
- Gopher clause: we reserve the right to ask our volunteers for what may seem the most menial of tasks, such as: fetching water or holding a seat for one of our esteemed guests
- Must be at least 13 years old
- For those who are 17 and under, an EvilleCon Guardian Consent Form must be signed and provided to the Volunteer Administrators. To download the form, please visit the Volunteer Guardian Consent Form
- Must have reliable transportation to the convention
- Must have an email and/or mobile phone number
EvilleCon uses the three strike policy for infractions performed by our volunteers. Each minor infraction is worth one (1) strike, while major infractions are cause for immediate removal from the volunteer program, and, if serious enough, the convention. Upon removal from the volunteer program, the person must relinquish their minion shirt and minion badge. If they wish to keep their day badge, they will have to pay for it. Volunteers removed due to minor infractions may not apply to volunteer again for two (2) years, with final approval decided on a case-by-case basis. Volunteers removed due to a large infraction are banned from volunteering.
Examples of Minor Infractions (worth 1 strike):
- Swearing on duty
- Being late
- Not checking badges at the doors
- Leaving your post
- Antagonizing an attendee
Examples of Major Infractions (immediate removal):
- Not checking IDs at 18+ panels
- Violence
- Arriving under the influence/use of drugs and/or alcohol during the convention
- Violating any and all rules for our attendees
Minion Levels:
We have 2 Minion levels: Minions and Head Minions. Head Minions are chosen by the volunteer Coordinator (also called Minion Wrangler) from Minions who have volunteered at least 2 years and have an exemplary record with the convention.
All first-time volunteers are basic level Minions. All Minions are expected to work a minimum of 5 hours to earn their day badge. All minions are allowed and encouraged to work more hours and will be rewarded for working those extra hours.
- Free Minion shirt
- Free food
- Free day pass for days worked 5+ hours
- Minions who work 10+ hours/day on at least 1 day will also receive a small gift worth a maximum of $5
- Minions who work 10+ hours/day on all three days will also be nominated for the Minion of the Year award, presented at closing ceremonies
Head Minion:
Head Minions function as the assistants to the Volunteer Coordinator. All Head Minions will be chosen by the Volunteer Coordinator from minions who have volunteered for a minimum of 2 years and have an exemplary record with the convention. There will be a maximum of 4 Head Minions who will be overseeing different volunteer duties. You will be required to work 10+ hours a day and are considered “on call” for the duration of the convention. Head Minions are also required to help with Thursday setup — work/school scheduling permitting.
- all regular Minion perks
- Personalized Head Minion badge
- Family & Friends discount price for up to 4 badges
Apply Today!